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Civil Judgment

Yap (Dalton) v. Jamaica Citizens Bank Ltd.

This is an appeal from a judgment given by Panton J in the Supreme
Court in favour of the respondent (the plaintiff at the trial) againnt the appellant
(the defendant at the trial) for the sum of US$106,226.04 with interest at a rate of
12% per annum from June 30, 1994 and costs to be agreed or t,txed. The sum
awarded represented the extent of the loss sustained by the resp :mdent bank in
respect of the operation of a telemarketing account in the narn.e Worldwide
Marketing Limited (the "WWM" account). The account was cpened by the
appellant in his capacity as General Manager, Technology and Operations
employed to the bank.
The case made by the plaintiff at the trial rested substantially upon the
evidence of the following witnesses:

Thursday, June 15, 2000
Appeal Number: 
SCCA No. 121/1997
Judgment Type: 
